Admissions FAQ
Senior School FAQ
How many places available at 11+ each year? |
We have approximately 80 places available for external candidates each year, split evenly between boys and girls, with approximately half coming from state schools. Each year we typically receive in excess of 600 applications. |
How many pupils move up from the Prep School into the Senior School? |
Out of a cohort of approximately 48 pupils in Prep 6, the vast majority join us in the Senior School, and generally make up around one-third of the total Senior 7 intake. |
What does the 11+ admissions process involve? |
The admissions process is divided into two parts. All registered applicants are invited in for the first part of the process which comprises the computer based Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) and Group Learning Workshop. Successful applicants are shortlisted to return for the written entrance exams in English and Maths. A reference is requested from the applicant’s current school prior to the first stage of the assessments. Further details can be found on the Senior School Admissions Process page. |
What happens on the 11+ entrance exam day? |
All applicants will attend the first stage of the assesment process and will sit the one hour CAT test and participate in a Learning Workshop. For the Learning Workshop, applicants are divided into small groups and participate in a collaborative activity led by a member of the teaching staff. Applicants will have a break in between the CAT test and the Workshop and can expect to be here for around two and a half hours. Shortlisted applicants who have been invited to the second stage of the entrance process will be invited back to School to sit the written English and Mathematics papers, each lasting 45 minutes with a short break in between. Applicants will also have an informal one-to-one 'getting to know you' meeting with a member of staff. |
Do you accept applications from families living overseas? |
We can consider applicants who live overseas and are not able to attend in person for the entrance exams. Overseas applicants wishing to join our Senior School or Sixth Form will be required to sit the UKiset test in their home country. Further details can be found on the International Applicants page. |
Do you recommend tutoring in preparation for 11+ entrance? |
We do not encourage tutoring for your child in preparation for the 11+ entrance exams. We are seeking to establish each child's natural ability to ensure they will be able to thrive in the academic environment of the Senior School. Prior to the CAT test we will send out a familiarisation link to the test site so that your child can become acquainted with the look and style of the test. You may, of course, wish for your child to practise Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning if he or she has not encountered these types of tests at their current school and practice papers are available in bookshops or online retailers. We do not give more information about the specific tests as we are keen to ensure as fair a system as possible for all applicants. |
Do you give extra time in the entrance exams for children with specific needs? |
Applicants with a specific learning need or physical need who may require access arrangements for the entrance exams (eg. extra time) will need to complete the access arrangements form at the time of registration. Evidence of the support received from the applicant’s current school along with other supporting documentation (eg. educational psychologist’s report) must also be submitted. Please note that evidence submitted less than two weeks prior to the first stage of the entrance process may not be considered. |
What if my child is unable to attend the entrance exam day? |
We will be offering several different time slots on the day of the first stage of the 11+ assessments and you will be given the opportunity to select your preferred time. If your child is unable to attend at all on the day, due to illness or other unforeseen circumstance, we may be able to arrange a “catch-up” session. |
Do you offer scholarships? |
A wide range of scholarships are on offer at 11+ and 16+ entry. 11+ applicants can only apply for a scholarship once they have been shortlisted to the second stage. Further details can be found on the Scholarships page. |
Do you offer bursaries? |
A number of means-tested bursaries, reviewed annually, are available each year and range in value up to 100%. Bursary application forms are available from the Bursar. Further details can be found on the Fees & Bursaries page. |
Do you operate a waiting list for Year 7 entry? |
Yes. Applicants who have been offered a place on the waiting list following the entrance process will remain on the list until the new academic year starts in September. If no place has been offered by this time, applicants are welcome to move their registration forward for occasional place entry in subsequent years. |
Do you offer occasional places in other year groups? |
Yes. We usually have a few places available each year in Years 8, 9 and 10 and we run an occasional place admissions round in January for entry in September of the same year. Applicants will sit age-appropriate entrance papers in English and Maths and successful applicants will be invited back for an interview. To find out more, you can read the Admissions Process for Occassional Places. |
Prep School FAQ
What entry points do you have into the Prep School? |
The main points of entry are at 4+ (Kindergarten) into the Pre-Prep and 7+ (Year 3) into the Prep School. Occasional places in other year groups up to Year 5 are often available. |
How many places do you offer at 4+ and 7+? |
Up to 40 places are available at 4+, with 24 places on offer at 7+. Places are offered to an even mix of boys and girls. |
What is the assessment procedure for 4+ entry? |
Applicants must be registered by end of August (please refer to the Admissions page for key dates) for entry the following September. Applicants must attend our Stay and Play session in order to qualify for a place in the ballot. |
What is the assessment procedure for 7+ entry? |
Applicants must be registered by the end of October for entry the following September. Applicants will be invited in for an assessment morning in January where they will sit papers in Reading, Maths and Reasoning. Applicants will also participate in some fun learning workshops. |
What is the assessment procedure for occasional places? |
Applicants must be registered by end of October for entry the following September. Assessments will take place in January and applicants for Years 4 and 5 will sit age-appropriate papers in Reading, Maths and Reasoning. Applicants for Year 2 will sit age-appropriate papers in Reading and Maths. Occasional place applicants for Year 1 will have a small group assessment in the spring term with the Pre-Prep staff. Applicants for Year 2 will sit age-appropriate papers in Reading and Maths. A reference will be requested from the applicant’s current school. |
Can you consider overseas applicants for entry into the Prep School? |
We can conduct online assessments for applicants in Years 2 to 5 whilst we invigilate virtually. Further details for overseas applicants can be found on the International Applicants page. |
Do you have a sibling policy? |
Siblings who attend our Stay and Play session are guaranteed an offer of a place in Kindergarten. We are an academically selective school so applicants for all other entry points must gain a place on their own merit. However, if an applicant already has a sibling in the school, this is taken into consideration when offers are made. |
Should I tutor my child for the entrance assessments? |
We do not encourage tutoring for your child in preparation for the assessments. We are seeking to establish applicants’ natural ability to ensure they will be able to thrive in the academic environment of the Prep School. |
Do you operate a waiting list? |
Yes. If there are more successful applicants than places available we will operate a waiting list until the start of the new academic year. If a place has not been offered by this time we will, at the request of the applicant, move the registration forward for entry the following year with the exception of Year 5 applicants, whereby registrations will move forward to 11+ entry. Applicants will be invited back to sit the relevant assessment the following January. |
Still have questions?
If you still have questions after reading our FAQs, please contact the Registrar.